Philadelphia DUI Lawyer Cary McClain has been successfully defending DUI clients in Montgomery, Philadelphia, Chester, Bucks or Delaware Counties, PA
Appropriately labeled “DUI Master” by colleagues and clients, Mr McClain has been winning DUI cases for the past two decades. Attempting to “read up” on criminal law and DUI through websites will be confusing. You need REAL answers now and Attorney Cary McClain is your BEST line of defense when fighting a DUI arrest.
(866) 7-GotLaw
(610) iGotLaw
Pennsylvania Law has changed significantly over the past year. For example, the Supreme Court ruled that police must obtain a search warrant to require motorists to take a blood test, but not breath tests, which are considered to be less intrusive. See my video tutorials here to learn what you should do in the event of being pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence.